Edgewood High School
Class of 1976
Class of 1976 Trojans
James Wells
Can't Believe it's been 40 years!!! It will be great to hang with my Edgewood homies again!
Thanks so much to Zeb and everyone else in putting this together. I know we all really appreciate it. Life has been full of challenges and great blessings. I'm excited to see you guys, get a handshake or hug and catch up!
ME...very happily married to the world's greatest Detroit Tiger Fan, have amazing kids and 7 grandkids that think PAPA JIM is a pretty cool dude...what more could I ask for? Oh, and by the way, Pat Anderson and Me are still best friends, we are in 3 gigging classic rock bands together and still make each other freaking crack up:)See ya soon!
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